Gen Z sensation Ananya Panday recently took to social media to share her excitement about an upcoming special launch for Disney and Pixar’s highly anticipated sequel, Inside Out 2. In a series of cryptic Instagram stories, the actress donned vivid emotions from the animated film, leaving fans intrigued and eagerly anticipating the big reveal on June 7th.
Ananya’s playful posts showcased her imitating multiple emotions from Inside Out 2, accompanied by the caption “Feeling so very ‘Emotion’ al today! Super-duper excited to meet you guys tomorrow and launch something special!” Her infectious enthusiasm and vibrant portrayal of the film’s colorful characters have left audiences guessing and buzzing with anticipation.
Recently unveiled as the voice of ‘Riley’ in the Hindi dub of Inside Out 2, Ananya Panday adds her own charm and flair to the beloved character, inviting viewers to embark on a new adventure filled with laughter, tears, and heartwarming moments. With the film set to hit screens on June 14th in both English and Hindi, fans are gearing up to experience the magic of Inside Out 2 in theaters nationwide.
As Ananya Panday continues to captivate audiences with her dynamic performances and engaging social media presence, her involvement in Disney and Pixar’s latest offering adds another feather to her cap. With the promise of something special on the horizon, fans can’t wait to join Ananya on this exciting journey into the colorful world of Inside Out 2, where emotions run wild and unforgettable memories are made.